Just Saying Yes

I thought to myself one day, "why is 'no' my default answer to everything? I need to just start saying yes more." Amazingly, it works - you live life much more fully when you stop thinking that no is always the safest, "best" way to answer.

**Disclaimer: the foregoing statement in no way implies that the judicious use of "no" on certain select occasions is to be avoided**

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Location: Florida, United States

I read many things. We love to travel.

Friday, September 02, 2005


I realize that I haven't posted in a while. Between WOW in Orlando, work, moving, and trying (mostly in vain) to get some sleep I just haven't had time. Plus, my internet card has been temperamental and lately has decided to randomly disconnect every five minutes or so. I promise there will be updates galore this weekend, since I know you've all been waiting with bated breath. Maybe even some pictures, if you're really good. Or just if you beg.

And now, a brief summary to whet your appetite - I moved. It is good. The water pressure in the shower is just right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame you haven't had more time to spend on your narcissistic quest. It is rather amusing at times to read all your little or not so little adventures. Maybe this weekend will provide you with more blog fodder. :)

9/04/2005 6:27 AM  
Blogger brain rot said...

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9/22/2005 9:55 AM  

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