Just Saying Yes

I thought to myself one day, "why is 'no' my default answer to everything? I need to just start saying yes more." Amazingly, it works - you live life much more fully when you stop thinking that no is always the safest, "best" way to answer.

**Disclaimer: the foregoing statement in no way implies that the judicious use of "no" on certain select occasions is to be avoided**

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Location: Florida, United States

I read many things. We love to travel.

Friday, August 05, 2005


OK...so the pictures are up, but clearly they are too big and throw off the entire look of the page. I checked the link and there seems to be nowhere that I can change the sizing. Because of my relatively slow connection at home, it would be a big hassle to have to reload them all - does anyone know how to resize the pics? If you do, can you tell me?

And is it possible to get the damn Hello program to just save the pictures somewhere instead of posting each one as a new blog post, thus making me have to go back and manually delete and add the URLs to the blog?

These are things I'd love to find answers for. The search continues.


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