Halloween in Orlando
Mustang vents
Cristina and me
Christian and Holly
Cristina, me and Holly
Christian and Brian
Holly, Christian, me, Brian and Cristina
Me and Cristina
Holly and Christian...and Brian
Brian on the phone...Christian just playin'
Holly and Christian
Cristina and me
Christian and Brian
Me and Christian
Random dudes...I think it was supposed to be Howard Stern and...well...somebody
Random hot chick - I'm amazed this picture came out as well as it did!
Me and Cristina
Holly and imitation Minnie
Oh, she posed for this one all right...
How to pay off the national debt
Christian, Cristina, Nixon, me, Clinton, random chick
At the 'street meat' stand
Darth Tater
Oh, berries
Cristina from the back - so beautiful!