Just Saying Yes

I thought to myself one day, "why is 'no' my default answer to everything? I need to just start saying yes more." Amazingly, it works - you live life much more fully when you stop thinking that no is always the safest, "best" way to answer.

**Disclaimer: the foregoing statement in no way implies that the judicious use of "no" on certain select occasions is to be avoided**

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Location: Florida, United States

I read many things. We love to travel.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A punk comic - is such a thing possible?

I submit to you that it is. This blog will not turn into a stupid links page. But this guy's comic is brilliant. And oh, he has pithy things to say about Hot Topic. I just may give him money.

Nothing Nice to Say

Click on "first" underneath the comic and it will take you back to 2003. Then keep reading. If we melded my reaction with something Sharill and Jason might say, it would sound like this:

"effin' brilliant!"


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