Just Saying Yes

I thought to myself one day, "why is 'no' my default answer to everything? I need to just start saying yes more." Amazingly, it works - you live life much more fully when you stop thinking that no is always the safest, "best" way to answer.

**Disclaimer: the foregoing statement in no way implies that the judicious use of "no" on certain select occasions is to be avoided**

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Location: Florida, United States

I read many things. We love to travel.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

ITMFA (or, Dan Savage comes up with another clever acronym)

Be warned: the "MF" in the subject line of this post stands for a bad word. If you don't want to see it, don't read any further and don't follow the links in this post. Also, if you're extremely Republican and supportive of the President, you probably won't want to read any further. In fact, you might want to just skip to my next post (whenever I post one). I'm not telling you what to do or what to read, just a friendly warning.

*A thought I had. The above statements are not intended in any way to imply that people of a more socially/politically conservative viewpoint cannot accept differences of opinion. Simply from experience, I know that people who feel very strongly about politics or religion or whatever (but mostly those two) sometime feel hurt or offended by extremely strong opposing viewpoints, especially when they are couched in a crude or offensive manner. That's all I'm trying to get across. And no, none of this is sarcastic.

However, if you want to find out what it means, go here.

If you want to read Savage Love (Dan Savage's love and sex advice column), go to the Village Voice.


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