Punk Music = Terror?
Atwa = I've got nothing, to gain, to lose. Speaks to the imbalanced mind.
Anarchy in the UK = um, hello? That's clearly a plot to overthrow the government.
American Idiot = threatening the President, of course. Can't upset a Bliar ally!
Imagine = another song fomenting revolution. Really - "imagine there's no countries" - sounds like a problem to me.
Here's the original article that started this piece. I've reproduced it below in case it gets taken down. Seriously, this is just about the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Next we'll all be told what to think.
'Playing The Clash made me a terror suspect'
by ANNE CAMPBELL, Metro (Daily Mail, UK)
A mobile phone salesman was hauled off a plane and questioned for three hours as a terror suspect - because he listened to songs by The Clash and Led Zeppelin. Harraj Mann, 24, played the punk anthem London Calling and classic rock track Immigrant Song in a taxi before a flight to London.
The lyrics to both tracks made the driver fear his passenger was a terrorist.
The words of the Clash track begin: "London calling to the faraway towns, now war is declared and battle come down." And Led Zep's Immigrant Song goes: "The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands, to fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming!"
Mr Mann, of Hartlepool, Teesside, had boarded the plane at Durham Tees Valley Airport when the flight to Heathrow was stopped and he was arrested by police.
He said he was told he was being questioned under the Terrorism Act and his choice of music had aroused suspicions.
Mr Mann said yesterday: 'The taxi had one of those tape deck things that plugs into your digital music player.
"I played Procol Harum's Whiter Shade Of Pale first, which the taxi man liked. I figured he liked the classics so put on a bit of Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song - which he didn't like. Then, since I was going to London, I played the song by The Clash and finished up with Nowhere Man by The Beatles."
Mr Mann said he was 'frog-marched off the plane in front of everyone, had my bags searched and was asked 'every question you can think of'.
He added: "It turned out the taxi driver alerted someone when I arrived at the airport and had spoken about my music. He didn't like Led Zep or The Clash but there was no need to tell the police."
Durham Police said the action was taken 'as a result of information received' and the flight was stopped before take-off.
See? And you should consider that the Daily Mail is probably our most right-wing daily newspaper, with a long and distinguished history of supporting some of the more fascistic and totalitarian, and frankly racist, ideas to arise in British politics.
I don't think some of my friends in the US appreciate what is happening here as Blair and his unpleasant friends take time away from lining their pockets and get on with removing any form of civil liberty in the UK. Their abuse of the law and parliamentary process is now positively frightening. They are busy doing away with trial by jury - indeed the right to trial of any form, if possible - and have already made it illegal to protest around Parliament without permission. So I cannot protest at the seat of Government, against the actions of Government (why else would I want to protest?) without the permission of that Government. Otherwise I can be arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Accusing Blair of being a liar, a fascist, a crook or just incompetence is now an act of terrorism, and under said legislation I lose some of my rights to trial and due process. Hell, the bastards are even trying to change the law so that a Government minister can change the law without recourse to Parliament. Highly convenient for a Government that is getting a regular pasting in Parliament, but it does away with our systems of law and justice that originate with Magna Carta in 1215, and so are rather precious.
In the name of fighting a war for democracy, Mr. Blair has seized the opportunity to do away with ours where it presents a threat to his increasingly dogmatic and dangerous ideas. You will also be aware that there has been investigations into corruption of the voting process in this country, after it came to light that postal ballot papers had been interfered with. And whose party do you think is the great advocate of postal and internet voting, and even volunteers to fill in the papers for the elderly and infirm? And I don't really need to go into the 'Peerages for Loans' issues...
So thank heavens that you are protected by a written Constitution and layers of Government and Judiciary which can roadblock the President. Mr. Blair is HM The Queen's Prime Minister, not ours, and is invested with a tremendous amount of executive power which is called the Royal Prerogative, which he exercises on her behalf and for which he is accountable only to her. Most Britons don't understand that, never mind non-Brits. When you consider his difficulties with communicating the truth and his choice of actions and behaviours and friends, you will understand why some of us are very scared in modern Britain.
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